Backup supports Neurodiversity Celebration Week!

It’s Neurodiversity Celebration Week and with your help, we want to help change the narrative to understand, accept and celebrate neurodiversity in our industry.

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During 2023 Backup started looking into the topic of Neurodiversity in our industry, having seen an increase in our applications where neurodiversity was raised specifically.

We discovered that there is very little data and understanding in and around neurodiversity in our industry.  In addition, as an industry we potentially have a higher-than-average workforce who are diagnosed or associate as neurodiverse when compared to other industries.

So, we encourage you to take the opportunity during this week to learn more about neurodiversity, celebrate the strengths and talents of our industry’s neurodivergent community by sharing your support of events, activities and lived experiences across social media.

Our neurodiverse colleagues are part of what makes up our industry’s rich tapestry of wonderfully creative and technology savvy individuals that help imagine, create and deliver amazing shows and events!

Resources – We would highly recommend checking out Neurodiversity Celebration Week’s resource page here 

Seminars – Neurodiversity Celebration Week also are running some fantastic online seminars, details here

Get involved – Help us raise awareness in our industry on social media, by sharing our posts, tweets etc 

Please use the Hashtags below when posting on social media and tag Backup Tech:

#NeurodiversityCelebrationWeek #NeurodiversityWeek #NCW #ThisIsND #BackupTech